Directions:You are to write in 100 ~ 120 words about the title"A Survey on Choice of Courses and Universities". You should base your composition on the information given in Chinese below:
约为35%的同学认为 | 约为45%的同学认为 | 约为20%的同学认为 |
1.应以个人兴趣为主。 2.兴趣是成功之母。 3、被迫学自己不感兴趣的专业是痛苦的。 | 1.应以社会需要为主。 2.将来容易找到工作。 3、兴趣可以培养和改变。 | 1.如何选择是一个难题。 2.听从父母或者老师的意见。 |
A Survey on Choice of Courses and Universities
Recently,a survey was done to study Chinese high school graduates' opinions on how to choose courses and universities. The results are as follows:
About 35% of the graduates believe choices should be based on their own interest. They say interest is the mother of success. Besides, it is a miserable thing to have to spend most of the time studying what one has no interest in.
More students (around 45 % ), however, insist that their main consideration should be given to the needs of the society, for not everyone can find the job he likes best. What's more, interest can be born and changed.
Interestingly, about 20% of the graduates find it difficult to make a choice and would rather depend on their parents or teachers for the decision.